Submission Guidelines for Authors

Please note that these guidelines are subject to change.

General Information Before Submitting

  • MediArXiv invites and accepts scholarly work from across the fields of media, communication and film studies, broadly defined, and from cognate fields such as cultural studies, visual culture, information studies, and science & technology studies.
  • This is an open archive site that enables scholars to share work such as working papers, preprints, accepted manuscripts (post-prints), and published manuscripts.
  • Many of our published submissions fall into two major types:
    • Preprints of articles, books, or book chapters in parallel to traditional publication.
    • Previously published articles, books, or book chapters that you wish to make Open Access.
  • Please check the Sherpa/ROMEO database for publisher policies on pre/post-prints
  • Submissions must be plausibly categorized (according to the MediArXiv taxonomy), with authors correctly and adequately identified. Authors must ensure that they have the legal right, and are appropriately authorised, to share any such submission. Accepted work includes, but is not limited to, papers, book chapters, and reviews, essays, critiques and comments on other work, systematic reviews, hypotheses, ‘negative’ results, and data and methods papers. Work on MediArXiv is either research or engages with research. Over time, we are committed to accepting scholarly works produced in a variety of non-traditional media formats.
  • We accept submissions in a number of languages, including English, Chinese, Dutch, Filipino, Finnish, French, German, Irish, Portuguese, Spanish, and Turkish. Additional languages may be added depending on Steering Committee competency.

How To Share a Work On MediArXiv

  1. Before submitting, it is recommended to add a note to the front page stating “This is a preprint that has been submitted to journal [INSERT Name]” where applicable. When updating to the postprint or accepted author manuscript, please change to “This is a postprint that has been peer reviewed and accepted at journal [INSERT NAME].” A template for this is available here.
  2. Once your manuscript is ready, please go to the submission portal to share your article.
  3. Here, you will have two choices: To share either a new manuscript, or to connect to an existing project on the OSF. To upload a new manuscript, simply drag and drop the file from your desktop, and then click save to begin the upload. To connect to an existing project, search for the project title and hit enter once you have found it.
  4. Select any relevant disciplines from MediArXiv’s customised taxonomy. Add as many as you feel are necessary.
  5. If you are sharing a version of an article that has been previously published, please add the article DOI as prompted in the submission process. You can also add any article keywords, the date of publication, and the abstract.
  6. To add co-authors, please check first to see if they are existing OSF users. If not, please add them by email, and arrange the author order as needed.
  7. Submit your work! Manuscripts will undergo a quick moderation check for compliance, and then published online immediately.

Your Submissions

  • All submissions will go through a basic screening process to check for conformation with these guidelines.
  • Submissions that do not comply with these guidelines will be removed, and the authors notified.
  • Please make sure that all co-authors are aware of, and have agreed to, the submission. They will be notified upon submission of preprints.
  • All preprints can be updated with the postprint version or author-accepted manuscript. Please check for journal compliance and embargo periods where needed.

Using MediArXiv Articles

  • Please note that preprints are not formally peer reviewed. When re-using them, and especially when citing, this status should be clearly marked.
  • Please exercise the same care and judgment you would use for any research output when it comes to the re-use of preprints.
  • We strongly encourage community interaction through collegial feedback, commenting and sharing of preprints, discussion threads, social media mentions, following of each other’s work, and bookmarking.

For more information, please contact us.

These submission guidelines are adapted from the guidelines of Paleorxiv.